Friday, January 9, 2009

The duty free shop in Ft Lauderdale is very disappointing

It's 1:52 on Friday afternoon, January 9th, and I'm sitting in the airport in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida (I have no idea how I have free internet, but I'm taking advantage). I am literally sitting in limbo between what I've left behind in the cold New England weather, and a complete unknown. I've been awake for God knows how long, and I'm starting to go a little insane due to lack of sleep, but adrenaline is keeping me awake.
The flight from Boston to Florida was an interesting first leg of my journey...I was seated next to a husband and wife from Dover, NH who talked to me the whole time. The man, Gene, had what most would call "mutton chops" and the woman, Gaz, had bright red hair which reached longer than most I've seen. She sneaked little nips of vodka on the plane to mix with her complementary orange juice, and he was stuck holding her hat and her hand as we took off. They were cheery and fun, and they shared stories of their lives and everything that accompanied them. We laughed for 2 and a half hours (we napped the last hour) and got to know each other in a way that brings closeness to people who have no one else for the time being. It felt good to share my story with them and hear theirs...I was thoroughly informed on how they met, what they do for work and fun (lobster fishing and such), and that they've each broken a hand or wrist, or something in that general area.
Conversations like that with strangers always remind me of the goodness in people and it confirms my belief that on the most basic level we will always take care of each other. That brought me to a state of ease as we landed in Florida. We parted ways with a hug and they went their way (to a cruise around the Caribbean), and I went mine (to find where the hell my next terminal was).
So, I've taken the first steps, and I'm now sitting in the international part of the Ft Lauderdale airport (which has a really disappointing duty free shop unfortunately) and the nerves in my stomach are starting to go haywire.
In a few hours, I lose my cell phone contact and I'll be letting go of all the hands that I've been holding up to this point. In a few hours I've got to rely on myself to make the last leg of the trip and find my way to an apartment in Santiago Centro which is waiting for me to arrive. Then, thank god for wireless internet and Skype, because I know I'll already be needing to hear some familiar voices.
Well, I've got books to read, words to write, and people to watch before hopping from one culture to another...and I've certainly gotta go check for a better duty free shop, because I am thoroughly unimpressed...bummmmer

I'll update soon to let you all know I've made it to that random apartment in Santiago Centro which is waiting for me to arrive :)

Keep the hugs flowing.
love love love.

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