In the past few weeks, I have been working like a crazy gal. Due to to the crazy hours of English teaching, I find that I am running around all day with only a few hours of rest in between my classes, in which I am usually preparing for the upcoming class. Although I love it, I am getting worn out fairly easily, and I am feeling more and more disconnected from everyone back at home due to lack of time to stay in contact. However, I know that this experience requires a lot of my time and I know that I will do as much as possible to keep in contact with everyone. Forgive me, though, if I seem to disappear for a week or two at a time.
As for my life in Chile, I recently bought a bike from some old men who work at a metal shop next door to my house, and I've officially fallen in love with it. It is worn down, old, rusty, squeaky, and has one gear, but it is my baby. I am planning to clean it, strip it, oil it and paint it so that I can revive the soul that I know once lived in it's spokes. I ride my bike all over the city which allows me to avoid the insane public transportation, but I've recently realized that the sidewalks are just as full of people as the noisy buses and metro. Luckily after practicing a few times, you learn to dodge people with finesse and ease, though you sometimes encounter a grumpy old woman who wants nothing to do with bikes on the sidewalk.
Last weekend, I had the opportunity to get away from the city for a little while to go to a little place called Laguna Verde. A Chilean friend of mine invited me to go with her and a friend to her house hidden on the coast of Chile. I didn't realize how beautiful it could possibly be until I arrived. The ride out there wasn't bad at all since we blasted music, ate fresh fruit from the market, and had tons of conversation, and once we arrived I felt like I'd already taken a small vacation just being in the car and escaping from the city. At some point, the road ended and turned to dirt, and we made our way over rocks and potholes that made up the "road". After a little while of trying to secure the fruit, the dog and ourselves, we finally arrived at a small little house on the coast.
I stood for a moment in awe of how something in the world could be so beautiful.
The weekend briefly brought me back to calm New England nights of listening to nature and cooking dinner with a roaring fire in the background. We spent the weekend relaxing, breathing fresh air, staring at the stars, cooking, visiting the beach and roaming the hills/cliffs where the house rested. I'd forgotten how quiet things can get in the middle of nowhere and I'd forgotten how much I need that tranquility in my life. Although the city life offers me a lot of excitement and new experiences, I've realized how important it is to be able to see the stars and hear the wind. I've realized how much it calms me to sit in silence for a moment and stare at a beautiful landscape. I'd forgotten how to get in touch with myself and explore my thoughts, and it eased me to know that it's still quite possible.
The weekend went by fast and Sunday night hurried us home. Since then, I've been working working working and trying to get my new schedule (even more classes) settled and organized. Luckily, I won't be adding anymore classes in the next few weeks, so I'll have a chance to catch up on my organization.
The days pass really quickly here. I get lost in the hours that I'm moving throughout the city and keeping myself busy, and I notice that it weighs on me to be out of contact with the ones I love. Luckily, I am making a rather large group of friends here who comfort me and keep my spirits up when I'm feeling down, but the distance has started to become more and more apparent. I am thinking of you all...all the time.
This weekend holds a little bit relaxation from the busy work week, but I'll be staying in the city to take advantage of the city culture. Tonight, I'm off to a Radiohead concert to which I don't have tickets, but I'll be joining many others outside the stadium to enjoy the vibe and the music (and maybe hopefully buy a cheap ticket from someone).
I miss you all dearly. I think about what you are all doing in your lives, and I wish I could jump on my cell phone and quickly check in with people. Please know that I am sending many hugs and much love from down here in Chile.
Keep the hugs overflowing.
Send some to me and I'll be sending them back.
What a nice surprise to find your blog entry this morning. The pictures are beautiful. We miss you as much as you miss us, but we are so happy that you are making a life for yourself there. Love and hugs from us all.